Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lego Love

Chicken and Bean have recently become very interested in Lego's, specifically the Lego Ninjago line.  There is something about Lego bricks that I see as creative, outside the box, and encourages spacial thinking.  All the specific sets though sometimes seem to grate against that idea to me.

Somehow I had thought since neither kid was into Lego's by the time they were six or so that maybe they wouldn't be part of our house, I was totally wrong happily.  It seems the reason Lego's hadn't caught on was that the sets the kids wanted were too old for them, now that Chicken has hit 7 those little bricks are coming in so often it is hard to keep up.  To keep the collections at least loose together we put them in gallon size zip lock bags with the instructions but I am starting to question this tactic.  Though both kids are overly particular that the sets stay together I want to see them build more free form out of the box items.

In an attempt to get more creative, non direction following Lego building going on we had a make your own creation (MYOC) contest in the house today.  Showing creativity and trying without whining got you a silver mini fig bag.  Cars tend to be the most created item, but Bean did build a compound, without a roof, and a self watering garden.  It was fun to see the kids look outside of the directions and just build, I want to see it happen more often and need to continue to encourage thinking outside of the directions.

Lastly, if anyone knows where to pick up Legos on sale or what time of year they go on sale hook me up. Those cute little bricks aren't cheap


  1. Legos are really expensive! I've heard of people having good luck on Craig's List, but it's just that... luck. Are you familiar with the free Lego magazine? Trevor has a subscription to Lego Jr and it is fantastic! He reads it cover to cover and often enters their building contests.

  2. Lego magazine is a huge hit here too Cindy. I never thought of letting the kids send in pictures of there creations though and I will definatly start to cruise Craigslist.
